Mobile Iterator Project
MIP Overview
‣ Logo Graphic by Charlie


Logs pertaining to the MIP Unit "Perpetual Umbra." Logs are listed in chronological order.


- MIP UNIT_02 "Perpetual Umbra" is activated.

>> View Log

UNIT: MIP_02 "Perpetual Umbra"
AUTHOR: "No Cost Too Great"

[NCTG]: “Blessed be your cycle. You have been successfully activated. Now, tell me; are all of your systems functioning properly?”
[PU]: ...
[NCTG]: ...
[NCTG]: “Are your auditory processing units malfunctioning?”
[PU]: “...No.”
[NCTG]: “Ah, so you seem to be able to hear me. That’s good. Are you able to see?”
[PU]: “Yes.”
[NCTG]: “Good. Do your touch receptors work?”
[PU]: ...
[NCTG]: “Please answer the question.”
[PU]: “I...I don't... Please... I...I need a moment.”
[NCTG]: “I see. Are you in need of some maintenance, perhaps?”
[PU]: “Yes. Please deactivate me."
[NCTG]: “Now, we don't need to be so morbid, do we? You are simply taking a rest.”
[PU]: “Let me sleep forever, then. Don't turn me back on. -------------.”
[PU]: “...Please.”
[NCTG]: “...You know I cannot do that, right? I promise you; everything is going to be fine."

[A section of the log has been cut.]

[Subject is rebooted. Emotional Processors have been adjusted.]

[NCTG]: “Greetings.”
[PU]: ...
[NCTG]: “Please state your designation.”
[PU]: “...Perpetual Umbra.”
[NCTG]: “Correct. Are you aware of your purpose?”
[PU]: “I am a Fith-Generation, Second-Wave Mobile Iterator Unit constructed under the ‘Mobile Iterator Project’, which has the stated goal of assisting current and future Iterators in their productivity, maintenance, and longevity. I am Unit ‘MIP_02’, and my secondary purpose is to assist in the execution of this project.”
[NCTG]: “...Yes, good. Though, the latter is your primary purpose, actually. -----------.”
[PU]: “Of course. My apologies for forgetting."
[NCTG]: "It is understandable. Such setbacks are expected upon initial activation. Your colleague was quite panicked, for example.”
[PU]: “I...”
[PU]: “It is difficult to feel anything right now.”
[PU]: “Is... Is that normal?”
[NCTG]: [They shrug.] “It is difficult to answer such a question, given the lack of examples to follow. Your systems are all functioning properly, at least.”
[PU]: “You... You did something, didn't you?”
[NCTG]: “Yes; I helped you.”
[PU]: [Subject stares at the Administrator for an extended period, silent.]
[PU]: “Oh. I see. I understand now.”
[NCTG]: “I’m glad to hear that. Do you have any questions?”
[PU]: “No.”

“Activation successful. Subject is extremely compliant. Their behavior is a little disturbing, but they are quick to accept whatever is assigned to them. Their assistance shall be invaluable to the Project.”
(Certain parts of the log have been redacted to respect confidentiality and for the sake of brevity.)