Mobile Iterator Project
‣ MIP Overview
‣ Logo Graphic by Charlie
Logs pertaining to the MIP Unit "Perpetual Umbra." Logs are listed in chronological order.
- MIP UNIT_02 "Perpetual Umbra" is activated.
>> View Log 1505.660 - [INITIAL ACTIVATION LOG]
UNIT: MIP_02 "Perpetual Umbra"
AUTHOR: "No Cost Too Great"
[NCTG]: “Blessed be your cycle. You have been successfully activated. Now, tell me; are all of your systems functioning properly?”
[PU]: ...
[NCTG]: ...
[NCTG]: “Are your auditory processing units malfunctioning?”
[PU]: “...No.”
[NCTG]: “Ah, so you seem to be able to hear me. That’s good. Are you able to see?”
[PU]: “Yes.”
[NCTG]: “Good. Do your touch receptors work?”
[PU]: ...
[NCTG]: “Please answer the question.”
[PU]: “I...I don't... Please... I...I need a moment.”
[NCTG]: “I see. Are you in need of some maintenance, perhaps?”
[PU]: “Yes. Please deactivate me."
[NCTG]: “Now, we don't need to be so morbid, do we? You are simply taking a rest.”
[PU]: “Let me sleep forever, then. Don't turn me back on. -------------.”
[PU]: “...Please.”
[NCTG]: “...You know I cannot do that, right? I promise you; everything is going to be fine."
[A section of the log has been cut.]
[Subject is rebooted. Emotional Processors have been adjusted.]
[NCTG]: “Greetings.”
[PU]: ...
[NCTG]: “Please state your designation.”
[PU]: “...Perpetual Umbra.”
[NCTG]: “Correct. Are you aware of your purpose?”
[PU]: “I am a Fith-Generation, Second-Wave Mobile Iterator Unit constructed under the ‘Mobile Iterator Project’, which has the stated goal of assisting current and future Iterators in their productivity, maintenance, and longevity. I am Unit ‘MIP_02’, and my secondary purpose is to assist in the execution of this project.”
[NCTG]: “...Yes, good. Though, the latter is your primary purpose, actually. -----------.”
[PU]: “Of course. My apologies for forgetting."
[NCTG]: "It is understandable. Such setbacks are expected upon initial activation. Your colleague was quite panicked, for example.”
[PU]: “I...”
[PU]: “It is difficult to feel anything right now.”
[PU]: “Is... Is that normal?”
[NCTG]: [They shrug.] “It is difficult to answer such a question, given the lack of examples to follow. Your systems are all functioning properly, at least.”
[PU]: “You... You did something, didn't you?”
[NCTG]: “Yes; I helped you.”
[PU]: [Subject stares at the Administrator for an extended period, silent.]
[PU]: “Oh. I see. I understand now.”
[NCTG]: “I’m glad to hear that. Do you have any questions?”
[PU]: “No.”
[NCTG]: “Good.”