Mobile Iterator Project
‣ MIP Overview
‣ Logo Graphic by Charlie
Logs pertaining to the MIP Unit "Thorns Without Roses." Logs are listed in chronological order.
- MIP UNIT_23 "Remembrance in Roses" is activated.
>> View Log 1515.099 - [INITIAL ACTIVATION LOG]
UNIT: MIP_23 "Remembrance in Roses"
ASSISTANT, AUTHOR: MIP_09 "Starlight Symphony"
DIRECTOR, EDITOR: "No Cost Too Great"
[SLS]: “Um... Hello! Ah, um, Blessed Cycle. Your activation was successful. Could you tell me if your systems are functioning properly, please?”
[RR]: ...
[RR]: “All systems are functional.”
[SLS]: “Okay, good! Thank you. Next... Do you remember your name?”
[RR]: “Affirmative. This Unit's designation is 'Remembrance in Roses'.”
[SLS]: “That's right! Yay, this is going so well... Um, can you tell me your purpose, please?”
[RR]: “This Unit was constructed to serve as an 'Assistant' for the Mobile Iterator Project. This role entails duties such as managing other MIP Units and following orders from the Director. Crucially, this Unit was also designed to protect and serve the other designated Assistants.”
[SLS]: “That's... true, but...”
[RR]: “Is something wrong?”
[SLS]: “Um... You keep referring to yourself in the third-person. Technically speaking, there isn't anything wrong with that, makes you sound like less of an individual. And... That's a little sad, I think...”
[SLS]: “Could you do me a favor, please? Rather than saying 'this Unit', could you try saying 'I' and 'my' instead? Just try it out.”
[Active Assistant projects her personal desires onto the newly activated Unit. (1)]
[RR]: “This... I was constructed to serve as an Assistant for the Mobile Iterator Project. My designation is 'Remembrance in Roses'. Was that sufficient?”
[SLS]: “Yes! Yes, just like that! Thank you so much, Remembrance in Roses. Voids, I'm so excited right now! Having another Assistant is going to be so much fun!”
[RR]: “My activation pleases you?”
[SLS]: “ Of course! I'm so happy to get to meet you. And I hope you can be happy, too!"
[SLS]: [SLS smiles.]
[RR]: [Subject studies SLS intently.]
[SLS]: “Ah, um...sorry. I should be taking this, um, a little more seriously. I'm just really excited to meet you... Oh, w-wait. I've said that already. Sorry.”
[RR]: “Why are you apologizing?”
[SLS]: “Um… It's a force of habit, I guess? I make a lot of mistakes, so I end up apologizing a lot to make up for it. Um, it's actually because I keep making so many mistakes that you had to be made…”
[RR]: “Do not worry; I shall not fail you. I am designed to succeed in all that is asked of me. I shall be there to supplement you whenever necessary.”
[SLS]: “Oh... Thank you. Um, I'll do my best, too!” [SLS gives a small bow.]
[RR]: “Understood.”
[SLS]: [SLS fidgets with her ribbons.]
[SLS]: “ Oh! Normally, we'd give you your clothing once you've been shown to your quarters, but… Well, um, I just... really want to see your reaction. One moment; I'll be right back.”
[Active Assistant projects her personal desires onto the newly activated Unit. (2)]
[SLS]: [SLS brings over a pile of clothing with a small case on top, placing it next to the Subject on the examination bench.]
[SLS]: “Here. Do you need any help with it?”
[RR]: “If you would not mind; I am still learning.”
[SLS]: “Okay!”
[SLS]: [SLS assists the Subject with dressing themself. Subject quickly takes over, displaying their high intelligence.]
[Subject displays adequate learning capabilities. This is further demonstrated later in the Log.]
[RR]: “It is quite elaborate. Are all Units given such detailed garments?”
[SLS]: “ Hm, um… I do my best to design proper outfits for everyone, so… I think so? Your ‘image’ is a bit different from most, though. I wanted you to have an authoritative and stylish sort of appeal. Your outfit has a lot of sharp edges to make you seem, um, a bit more intimidating...? Since you're meant to be a Superior , and all."
[RR]: “You designed me? Thank you. I am honored to be in your presence.”
[SLS]: “Ah, w-wait, um, uh, I mean… I-I’m your coworker, so you don't need to regard me so highly! Besides, the Director is the one who orchestrated your creation… I’m merely an extension of their creative will. I just did my best to follow their lead; they deserve all of the praise.”
[RR]: “I see. Thank you for your explanation, Starlight Symphony. I am learning a great deal of information thanks to your guidance.”
[SLS]: “Um, you’re welcome, Remembrance in Roses! I’m just glad I could be of service. Especially since I’ll probably be the one relying on you in the future…”
[RR]: “I shall continue to do my best, then. What is inside that case over there?”
[RR]: [Subject points.]
[SLS]: “Oh, those are your accessories! You have some ribbons that clip onto the bottom of your antennae bases. They're yellow , which means that they signify prosperity, happiness, and hope. They're like a good-luck charm!”
[SLS]: " And these… "