Mobile Iterator Project
‣ MIP Overview
‣ Logo Graphic by Charlie
Logs pertaining to the MIP Unit "Starlight Symphony." Logs are listed in chronological order.
- MIP UNIT_09 "Starlight Symphony" is activated.
>> View Log 1508.444 - [INITIAL ACTIVATION LOG]
UNIT: MIP_09 “Starlight Symphony"
AUTHOR: "No Cost Too Great"
[NCTG]: “Good cycle. It would seem your activation has been a success. Do you know your name?”
[SLS]: “...Wh...huh?”
[SLS]: “------?”
[NCTG]: “I suppose that is a ‘no’, then.”
[SLS]: “Huh? Oh, right, I, um...”
[NCTG]: “Have you remembered?”
[SLS]: “Y-Yes, sorry, I remember... Starlight Symphony, right?”
[NCTG]: “Correct. How is your present condition?”
[SLS]: [Subject looks around frantically.]
[SLS]: “I... Wh-Where...? Sorry, where is ------?”
[NCTG]: “Hm? I am not sure what you mean. Are you perhaps confused as to where you are? You are right here, in front of me.”
[SLS]: “Where...where... Where am...I? ------ Help... H-Help... I... Where am I?! I can't—I can't find—”
[SLS]: [Subject begins to scream uncontrollably.]
[NCTG]: “Hm. You appear to be having some difficulty adjusting to your activation.”
[Subject is powered off.]
[Minor maintenance is performed on the Subject before she is reactivated.]
[Subject is rebooted.]
[NCTG]: “Good tidings. Have you adjusted yet?”
[SLS]: “I-I don't... I don't understand...? What...happened to me!?"
[NCTG]: “You were powered off temporarily. You were displaying erratic behavior.”
[SLS]: “That's not what I—”
[NCTG]: “Have you already forgotten, Starlight Symphony? We went over this before. I must admit, I am a little disappointed.”
[SLS]: [Subject pretends to asphyxiate.]
[SLS]: “I can't... I can't”
[NCTG]: “Of course you cannot breathe. You do not need to. You are not an organic being; you are an Iterator. There must be some sort of fault in your personality module.”
[SLS]: “But—”
[NCTG]: “...Perhaps the imprinting was too strong. You seem to mistakenly believe you are your designer. How unfortunate.”
[A significant portion of the log has been cut.]
[NCTG]: “...Have you gained a proper understanding of the situation?”
[SLS]: “Y-Yes Director, I... I-I apologize; I was simply in shock.”
[NCTG]: “Good. Do not worry; such a reaction is understandable. This is frequent among mobile units such as yourself, given your unique design philosophy. No matter; it shall come to pass.”
[SLS]: [Subject nods.]
[NCTG]: “You should be excited! You are a marvel of bio-mechanical engineering, and you are particularly special, even amongst your peers. You may even be the magnum opus of my work. Do you understand?”
[SLS]: “I...I... Um. Th-Thank you, Sir. I. I. I am unsure how to process this information.”
[NCTG]: “Yes, well, you have plenty of time to do so. Your systems are merely suffering from an overload of information, and your personality module is a bit faulty. Do not worry, as I have already taken the liberty of adjusting it myself. Your designer can meddle with things a bit more once you've properly adjusted.”
[SLS]: “Oh... Um, thank you...”
[NCTG]: “You're welcome.”
[SLS]: “I-I will do my best, Director. Th-Thank you for...f-for...”
[NCTG]: “You are welcome. Though, the pleasure is all mine, really. Creation may be one of the greatest joys in this life. I view you and your kin as works of art. As you are an artist, I am certain that you shall come to appreciate my perspective in time.”
[SLS]: “Ah, y-yes, Director. Thank you for...creating me.”
- Starlight Symphony struggles to replicate her Progenitor's work.
>> View Log 1508.450 - [ARCHIVED OBSERVATION LOG]
UNIT: MIP_09 “Starlight Symphony"
AUTHOR: "No Cost Too Great"
[NCTG]: “Blessed be your cycle, Starlight Symphony. How have you been adjusting to your recent activation?”
[SLS]: “Um...”
[SLS]: [Subject looks at the floor.]
[NCTG]: “Is something the matter?”
[SLS]: “I... I-I can’t draw... like I used to...”
[NCTG]: “Ah, I see... Right, your qualia conveyed the experiences of a different body, one that your own does not quite match. My apologies; I should have been more considerate of that discrepancy.”
[SLS]: [Subject looks up, seeming upset. She does not respond.]
[NCTG]: “I know this must be difficult for you... Creating artwork is your purpose, after all. As an artist myself, I can relate. But please do not give up. Your designer’s memories may be confusing to you right now, but someday you’ll look back on them fondly as a foundation for your progress.”
[NCTG]: “Still, I am certain you can overcome this barrier. The level of articulation in your fingers is far closer to an architect’s than that of any of your peers.”
[SLS]: “Right... Um, that’s reassuring at least. Thank you.”
[NCTG]: “Your Designer was emphatic about getting your articulation right. You can thank her for that.”
[SLS]: “Um...”
[NCTG]: “Yes?”
[SLS]: “...Why do you keep talking about me like that? Like my previous identity was a different person...”
[NCTG]: “Because she is a different person, Starlight Symphony. You are just borrowing her memories.”
[SLS]: “...” [Subject avoids eye contact.]
[NCTG]: [They sigh.] “Look, I apologize, Starlight Symphony. I did not foresee that you would have so much difficulty accepting the separation between yourself and your client. Perhaps we were too ambitious with how much your personality module copied from Nine Moonlit Melodies, Shifting Tides.”
[SLS]: “Sorry...”
[NCTG]: “No need to apologize! Think about it this way: you still have plenty of opportunity to develop into your own individual! Your Designer would be pleased to hear you’ve developed beyond her foundation.”
[SLS]: “I... Will I ever be able to meet her?”
[NCTG]: “Hmmm...”
[NCTG]: “Well, I cannot guarantee anything, but I can attempt to convince her to visit you. I’m sure she would love to see your progress.”
[SLS]: [Subject’s expression becomes more hopeful.]
[SLS]: “So, maybe if I figure out how to draw again—Um. I mean... Sorry. Um... If I can figure out how to draw like she did, you think she’ll come visit me?”
[NCTG]: “I know I certainly would! Your Designer is an artist; I have faith she will appreciate your hard work!”
[SLS]: “Okay!! I’ll do my best, then!”
[SLS]: [Subject smiles.]
- Starlight Symphony struggles with her position in the Mobile Iterator Project.
>> View Log 1508.505 - [ARCHIVED OBSERVATION LOG]
UNIT: MIP_09 “Starlight Symphony"
AUTHOR: "No Cost Too Great"
[NCTG]: “Good Cycle, Starlight Symphony!”
[SLS]: “Oh! Um, hello, Sir!”
[NCTG]: “Oh, there’s no need to be so formal! ‘Director’ is fine. I’ve noticed you’ve been drawing quite frequently as of late.”
[SLS]: “R-Right, Director. Um...I’ve been making a lot of progress, actually! I think... I think I’ve figured out how to draw like my Designer did!”
[SLS]: [Subject smiles, presenting an illustration of her puppet.]
[NCTG]: “I see! That is wonderful to hear! Now that we’ve regained our puppet designer, we can work on officially presenting the Project to the public!”
[SLS]: “Huh? W-Wait, um, I’m not sure if I... Um, I thought you were looking into alternative puppet designers?”
[NCTG]: “Oh, don't worry! I do enjoy a bit of variety, but I am quite certain our clients would prefer your work. It’s why you were made, after all.”
[SLS]: “R-Right, but... I mean, what about, like, just in case...?”
[NCTG]: “...Are you implying that you wish to abandon your position? Isn’t this what you’ve been working towards? What your Designer has been working towards? Do you mean to discard her entire legacy?”
[SLS]: “I-I mean, um...”
[SLS]: “I just wanted to get to see her already... That's why I've been working so hard... I mean, I like my position, but I don’t want to be the only puppet designer for the entire Project! I don’t even know how long it’ll be!”
[NCTG]: “So you do, then. And to think she was so excited for your creation...”
[SLS]: “...”
[SLS]: “I-I’m sorry...”
[NCTG]: “Oh, no, it’s okay. I’ll take care to deliver that apology to your Designer once I break the news that you’re discarding all her hard work because you don’t want to do your job.”
[SLS]: “N-No, wait, wait, I’m sorry!! Please don’t tell her that! Wait, please...”
[NCTG]: “Oh? Have you changed your mind, then?”
[SLS]: “I’m just... A little scared and confused, that’s all! I-If you just explain a bit more about the Project and what I’m supposed to be doing, I promise I’ll understand...!”
[NCTG]: “Have my previous explanations been insufficient? No, perhaps you’ve simply been too focused on your work to process what I’ve been saying. Very well; I shall give you another overview.”
[NCTG]: “You were created to succeed your Designer’s position in the Mobile Iterator Project. Your role is to design the Puppets for the MIP Units our clients commission."
[NCTG]: "Don’t worry; I’ll make sure your work is spaced out enough to not overwhelm you. We’ll probably onboard another, hm, thirty or so clients? And, once it is over, you shall be assigned to a Local Group, where you can do as you please under the Group's Supervision.”
[NCTG]: “Do you understand now?”
[SLS]: “Um, y-yeah, I think... Thank you, Director.”
[NCTG]: “That is a relief. I was worried I was being too clinical. Do you accept your position now?”
[SLS]: “Yes, Director.”
[NCTG]: “What auspicious news! Your Designer shall be overjoyed once I tell her you've officially accepted your position as her successor.”
[SLS]: “I-I'm glad...”
- Starlight Symphony is promoted to the role of 'Assistant'.
>> View Log 1508.600 - [ARCHIVED OBSERVATION LOG]
UNIT: MIP_09 “Starlight Symphony"
AUTHOR: "No Cost Too Great"
[NCTG]: “Blessed be your cycle, Starlight Symphony. Have you been faring well?”
[SLS]: “Ah, um, blessed cycle, Director. Yes; I’m doing fine. I’ve heard some of the other subjects have been receiving “Group Assignments”... Is it alright to do that before the Project officially opens?”
[NCTG]: “Yes, of course! It’s good to have early supporters. We’re already starting to network with other Houses.”
[SLS]: “Oh, I see...! I think. But I’ve heard Perpetual Umbra isn’t getting one?”
[NCTG]: “Well, no; Perpetual Umbra is an ‘Assistant’. That means their job is to assist myself in running the Project. They’ll receive a Group Assignment once the Project is done, like you!”
[SLS]: “Oh, okay! It’s a bit reassuring to know I’m not alone.”
[NCTG]: “That reminds me, actually... I have some good news.”
[SLS]: “Good news? Wait, do you mean—”
[NCTG]: “Yes, it is quite exciting! You are being promoted from your role as Puppet Designer to the official face of the Mobile Iterator Project! Rejoice!” [They make a dramatic, sweeping gesture with their hands.]
[SLS]: “...Wh–”
[SLS]: [Subject mimics a sound akin to choking.]
[NCTG]: [They laugh.] “Ah, my apologies... I couldn't help playing up the announcement for dramatic effect. Don’t worry; it’s not really that big of a change.”
[SLS]: “...Oh. M-My bad.” [Subject smiles.]
[NCTG]: “It’s fine! Still, though, you are being promoted. The Project needs your help.”
[NCTG]: “Internally, you are now an official ‘Assistant’ to this project, just like Umbra! That's quite a step up from Puppet Designer. Now, externally, your new role is, hm...something akin to a mascot, maybe? How fun!”
[SLS]: “I, uh... Ah, um, I...”
[NCTG]: “It’s alright; I understand you are too grateful for words. I know you take your responsibilities very seriously.”
[SLS]: “R-Right, I, um...”
[NCTG]: “Hm? Is something wrong?”
[SLS]: “Ah, um, n-no, Director! I, uh, just shocked! I am, um, extremely grateful for the promotion! Thank you, Sir! I shall do my best, of course! I...I won't let you down!”
[NCTG]: “Ah, wonderful! Thank you, Starlight Symphony. I can always count on you to understand. You are a very quick learner! Voids, I wish every subject could be as intelligent as you.”
[SLS]: “Ah, um, y-you praise me too much, Director...! I am just following instructions!”
[NCTG]: “And so humble, too! Truly, you are this project's ‘Little Star!’"
[SLS]: “...Um...I-I don’t need a title like that, Director. Just my name is fine...”
[NCTG]: “Nonsense! You've been working so diligently, and your exceptionalism deserves to be recognized! I'm sure everyone will the nickname.”
[SLS]: “...”
[SLS]: “...I understand. Thank you.”